Apr 14, 2011

Posters on Poles

The State Election is now past history but, unfortunately as I write this, we still have reminders of the campaign along some of our streets – election posters adorning street light and electricity poles. There are the odd ones from the two Michael’s, Daley and Feneley, but along Wentworth Avenue almost every second pole hosts a poster for the Greens.  During election campaigns Council turns a blind eye to posters on poles as they are part of our campaigning traditions.  But what we do ask is that they are removed as soon as possible once the campaign is over and the results determined.  I’d ask the candidates or their party workers to remove the last lot of campaign posters as soon as possible

Apr 11, 2011

Seniors Garden Party

Our annual get together for our Senior Residents will be held on Saturday May 7 in the Sir Joseph Banks Pleasure Gardens.  It is the on a Saturday this year, as the Sunday is Mother’s Day and we know many our seniors have family commitments on that day.  So put the date in your diary and to assist with catering please register your name and address with my office on 93663600.  Our annual Garden Party is for our Senior Citizens, those who live within the City of Botany Bay.

Apr 10, 2011

School Flashing Lights

The Roads and Traffic Authority has advised Council that school zone flashing lights will be installed in Coward Street, Mascot around both JJ Cahill High School and St Therese’s.  The new lights, which will improve road and pedestrian safety with the flashing orange lights, are part of the State Government’s roll out across the state of the lights.  The RTA hasn’t given us a date for when the lights will be installed but it will be by the end of June this year at the latest.  Research has shown that the flashing lights do slow down motorists around schools and increase safety for school children.  When the installation is done, the RTA will circulate information throughout the school communities.  This is a good step and one that will make the streets around our schools safer.

Nature Strip Water Rebate

You’ll have found in your letterboxes this week or so application forms for our nature strip water rebate.  What we do is rebate $25 to cover costs where locals keep their nature strip and street trees watered.  It’s just a way of saying “thanks” and keeping our streets a little greener and softer. If you don’t get an application form, call into my office at Eastgardens Shopping Centre and pick one up or download it at http://tinyurl.com/waterrebate

A quiet remembrance

Last Sunday in a quiet and unheralded ceremony, Council maintained our remembrance of Senior Constable Glen McEnally who died while on service in our City in March 2002.  Down in Sutherland Street, Mascot, there is the Glen McEnally Reserve which commemorates the senior constable’s service to our community.  Our local police, Senior Constable McEnally’s colleagues, always remember his tragic and so too does Council.

Apr 7, 2011

Banksia Street Bridge over the rail line

Sydney Ports Corporation has been giving residents around Banksia Street, Botany an update on the new pedestrian bridge over the Port Botany rail line. Work has begun on building the new pedestrian bridge as Sydney Ports Corporation begin what they describe as “enabling works” – that is the work you have to do before you begin the actual construction. The real work begins this month and the project is scheduled to be finished by the end of September this year.  The bridge achieves two things for local residents.  First, it gets rid of the existing pedestrian level crossing, making it safer to get from one side of Banksia Street to the other.  Secondly, the trains will no longer sound their horns as they approach the crossing.  Safety rules say the trains have to give a blast of their horns as they approach any level crossing.  With the bridge, the horns will be silent and intruding less on local residents.  The bridge includes both stairs and ramps for those with disabilities and is long overdue.

Build Kiddyville ­ and other library activities

To mark the final month of the Daceyville exhibition at the George Hanna Memorial Museum at Mascot Library in Hatfield Street, and the school holidays, the museum is giving children aged 7-13 the chance to build their dream house out of hundreds of cardboard boxes and craft materials. The idea is to build “Kiddyville” – a children’s view of both housing and communities.  It will be interesting to see what they come up with. Come join us for this fun event, which will be held on Friday April 15 between 10am –11.30am at the George Hanna Memorial Museum, Mascot Library.  There is a cost of $5 per child to cover expenses but it is more than worthwhile given the fun the children will have. Payment must be made in person at the Central Library at Eastgardens.

Whilst the children are engaged in building, all parents and carers can take the time to have a look at the Daceyville exhibition – “Audaciousville: The Story of Dacey Garden Suburb”.  This is a fascinating exhibition of a unique suburb in Sydney and has proved to be so popular that it has been extended until the end of April. Both the Central Library at Eastgardens and the Mascot Library in Hatfield Street have special school holiday activities to keep local youngsters engaged and active. At the Central Library, Cartoon Dave (Dave Hackett) is holding a workshop with the theme “Making Up Manga”. Cartoon Dave will be at the library on Tuesday April 19 between 11.30 am and 12.30pm. As places are limited, bookings are essential and, like Kiddyville, the cost is $5 per child. Down at Mascot Library on the day after Cartoon Dave, the Magic Jester (magician Shayne Richards) will be holding two workshops. The cost of $5 also applies for the workshops. So on Wednesday April 20 the first workshop will be a Magic Show and it runs between 10.30 and 11.15 am.  This workshop is for children aged 2 and above, including students. The second workshop is a balloon workshop and will run between 11.30am and 12.15pm and it’s aimed for those 4 and above.  For both, bookings are essential as places are limited and you’ll need to contact Candy at the Central Library (for both Kiddyville and the library events) on 9366 3888.

Garnet Jackson Reserve ­ Concept Plans on Exhibition

Concept plan for Garnett Jackson Reserve will shortly be sent to residents in the next edition of “Our City” where I will be seeking input from residents. Council’s concept allows for both passive and active recreation.
There’s a 400 meter fitness track around the edge of Garnet Jackson, dotted with fitness stations aimed at better health and fitness. The Railway Road end will be a passive, landscaped area.  There’s also a new playground and upgraded facilities.  
Getting the community’s input is not only important but vital. Who better than the potential users of the park to have a say in the development of the park.  


Apr 5, 2011

JJ Cahill 50th Anniversary

Last week I took part in an important local ceremony, which celebrated the 50th anniversary of The JJ Cahill Memorial High School.  I acknowledge my own personal bias when I say that this is a great school, which has served and educated a great community. JJ Cahill was in its first decade when I was a student there and now, four decades later, I’m going back to celebrate our school’s golden anniversary.

If it’s said that a school leaves its mark, its impression and its culture on its students, then I reflect the school. Whatever I have done and whatever I have become, it is because of JJ Cahill.
This Council has close and continuing associations with JJ Cahill.  Apart from my years there as a student, Councillors Mitchell and Kondilios were also students, our esteemed colleague Councillor Anne Slattery seems to have been part of the academic staff at JJ Cahill forever and my friend and former Deputy Mayor David Jory was also a student.
The school was named after a great Premier of New South Wales, a man whose party loyalty I share.  Joe Cahill was a builder of this State – and a man who represented this regional area.  His greatest legacy, a building he conceived in 1954, was the Sydney Opera House.  After the Harbour Bridge, the Sydney Opera House is the building that most symbolises Sydney.
An important guest at last weeks event was Stephen Cahill, representing the Cahill family.
Education, learning, is what separates human kind from the rest of the animal kingdom and education is the greatest gift a nation, a state or a community can provide for its young.
With education we can achieve anything, without it we, personally and as a community, are doomed to no growth, no prosperity, no future. Education, like health, is one of the fundamentals in our society but, without education, there is no effective health care because those who deliver health care do so because they are educated.
The legacy of JJ Cahill goes well beyond this local area, or this State or this nation and the alumnus of JJ Cahill are everywhere – we seem to multiply.
To those involved with JJ Cahill today, I offer, on behalf of the community it serves and  Council, congratulations for this golden moment and for all the years and decades ahead when JJ Cahill High School continues its vital and integral role in our community. It is a fitting acknowledgement of the place of JJ Cahill in our community.