This coming Monday, June 11, is the day we celebrate Daceyville turning 100! We are throwing a fabulous party in Dacey Gardens, where Bunnerong Road meets Gardeners Road and you are all invited.
Julie, Joy, Amber and Blinky Bill will be there!
Masterchef, Julie Goodwin will be popping in to judge the home made cakes, sweets, jams and biscuits as well doing a cooking demonstration. Joy Smithers will be adding her usual flare to the day as she MC’s centre stage and in the afternoon our very own Amber Lawrence will entertain us. In between there will be kid shows, foodstalls, arts and crafts, dancing, school performances and historical walks. It starts at 10am and doesn’t stop until 4pm. If you live in our City you will receive your invitation and program in your letterbox. It’s bright pink so you won’t miss it. If you need more information give my office call on 93663600.
Are you are budding Masterchef?
Masterchef Julie Goodwin is very excited about meeting the wonderful home based chefs from our part of the world and tasting their fare. If you want to put your favourite cake, cookie, old fashioned sweets or jam recipe to the test then whip up a batch and bring it along on the day. It must be at the judging marquee by 10am on Monday. I remember the old school fetes when mum used to make a batch of toffees with sprinkles on top or chewy Russian caramels full of condensed milk. I am looking forward to visiting this stall on the day! Everyone from six to 100 is invited to enter.