May 31, 2010

How to destroy good environmental policy by playing politics

Probably the nations best political commentator Paul Kelly analyses the destruction of the Federal Governments climate change policy by self interest and a desperate grab for popular support by the conservatives and the Greens, from an ever cynical electorate.

Former Premier Bob Carr once told me I was naive, not because I believed in good public policy, but believed good public policy would prevail over the vested interests and short term voter appeal promoted in the popular press.

If you measure political success by length of time as Labor leader, or by election results Bob Carr was certainly right.

Whilst I do not suggest Labor should commit political suicide, I honestly believe there is no point governing if one does not try to implement good public policy that one believes in, and believes is right.

I accept that circumstances change, and that sometimes one has to change one's mind.  However, when you are right, like the government was on its ETS legislation, it cannot be intimidated into a change of policy.  We all have to stand for something.

Kevin Rudd was right in describing climate change as the great moral imperative. Paul Kelly's analysis should give use all food for thought.

Kevin in the middle: a hotter place
by Paul Kelly, Editor at large, The Australian, May 29, 2010

Recruiting Foster Carers

The Benevolent Society’s Fostering Young Lives program, which supports children and young people who cannot live at home, has recently commenced service delivery in our City. As one if its first activities, the Benevolent Society is recruiting foster carers.

There are many reasons why people become foster carers, but it is usually for a love of children and a belief they can make a difference in the lives of children in need. Anyone who is over 21 years of age and wants to provide a loving home to look after children and young people can apply to be a foster carer.

Being a foster carer can involve weekends, a few months or years. Even one weekend a month makes a world of difference.  Please contact the Benevolent Society on 9504 6694 or visit their website if you’re interested in becoming a foster carer and would like further information.

May 30, 2010

Playing on tyres at Hensley Field

The work down at Hensley Field is really moving along – and soon people will be playing on tyres. Council is getting closer to finishing what will be a great multi-sport, multi-user facility where athletics will be joined by football, rugby and other sports. 

Recent bursts of rain slowed things down a bit but provided the opportunity to confirm the accuracy of all the finished levels for the surfaces.

One of the latest sections of work is to lay what’s called the “shock pad”, which is the layer below the synthetic pitch. The shock pad is made of rubber and the rubber comes from old tyres. 

So instead of more than 57,000 old tyres going to landfill, they’ll be under the pitch at Hensley giving more bounce and a softer pitch. It’s a better surface and a better environmental outcome. 

Recognition of Alf Kay

When Alf Kay, a former Councillor and close friend of all us, passed away, we decided that he deserved proper recognition within our City.
Alf Kay was first elected to Council in September 1977 for the old Daceyville Ward.  He retired from Council some three years later in 1980, but in those initial three years he more than made his mark.  His absence from Council, I felt at the time, was not in the interests of our residents and he stood again at the 1987 Council elections. Alf was successful at that time and was re-elected in 1991.  He served until his retirement from civic duties at the September 1995 elections.  
Alf was a tireless worker for our community, especially in community services.  As such, I, and Council, felt it appropriate that Alf’s name become part of the Eastlakes Community Centre as it epitomised Alf’s area, both in representation and in commitment to the residents.I know that his wife Lydia and his family are supportive of such community recognition.
On August 1, we will ensure that Alf’s name is permanently a part of the City of Botany Bay when we rename the Eastlakes Community Centre the Alf Kay Eastlakes Community Centre.

May 28, 2010

Recognition of long serving employees

It has long been the policy of this Council to recognise the service of our long standing employees.
We’ve had receptions in the past where we presented long serving employees with a gold watch and a certificate of service.  It’s often thought that the gold watch is a sign of retirement.  
Well, in the City of Botany Bay we see it as recognition not only of long service but an on-going commitment to serve the people who make their homes within our Council boundaries.
Under our policies, we have two distinct ways of recognising long serving employees. For those with 20 years service, there is, as I’ve said, the gold watch and a certificate of service.
For those whose service goes beyond 20 years, we have a special award.
As it has been a few years since the last time we recognised these levels of service, there are a few people who have qualified. I might add, that in future, we will not have a long time between recognition ceremonies. There are 38 people who will be recognised for 20 years service and 10 who actually have 30 years service or more. Between all of them, they have racked up nearly 1500 years of service to the people of Botany Bay – a remarkable achievement.
As Mayor, I am extremely proud of the long term commitment our employees make and I would suggest that our City’s record of service – the number of employees with 20 years service or more – would be equalled rarely in local government.
What I propose is that this year, we hold a dinner in August where the long serving employees and their partners attend, and where proper recognition can be given. I also propose that rather than have some years between recognition events, we resolve to hold a dinner each year, after the August meeting of Council, where those employees who have reached 20 years service in the previous year are, along with their partners, honoured. Council has now agreed to my proposals.

May 27, 2010

Proposal by Planning Minister to Return Modification Applications to Councils rejected

The Minister for Planning, on 18 May, 2010, hs proposed that: “… the Regional Panel Chairs delegate Regional Panel Applications in three circumstances where the Council has agreed that these applications will be determined by appropriate senior staff and not by the full Council or Council Committee, consistent with the theme of depoliticising the planning system.”

Council has rejected the proposal by the Minister comprehensively.
Unless development applications are simply routine consents, development applications of this nature need to be determined in full public scrutiny, in public forums by elected representatives whose decisions are transparent and in the presence of the press and public.
Do I need to remind the Minister that the Part 3A processes, which caused allegations, although unfounded, against Senior Department Planning Officials occur when development application processes occur in secret.
This theme of depoliticising the planning system misconceives the nature of the community’s role through its elected representatives in the planning process. It takes us back to the dark ages.
II will on council’s behalf write to the Minister and advise him that his offer be rejected.  I will do so in  a detailed way setting out explicitly why his proposal is contrary to the community and public interest, particularly in relation to the issue of transparency.

May 26, 2010

Community Debate

In the months ahead I want to see if we can get some community debate going over some of the issues that we, as a group of residents in our City, will face in the future.  As a Councillor and the local Mayor, I want to hear from as many of our residents as possible – in a community conversation.  

Sure, I get around the City every day, talking to people in shopping centres, in businesses, at our local schools and community centres and on the street when I’m walking around. I know people support Council for what we’re doing for the local natural environment, our green spaces, the way we demand that new developments harmonise with how existing streets look and the community services we provide.  

But there’s always more we can do and I’ve never thought Council or Councillors know everything – we can always learn more when we talk and listen to our residents. That’s why I want to get some community debates going on a variety of issues. I’d like feedback (either direct or through the letters column of the Southern Courier) and we can start with the column item I’ve written below.  Have a read and tell me what you think.

May 24, 2010

Congestion and unreality

Last week’s survey by the NRMA on the impacts of traffic congestion and road snarl on small business in Sydney’s CBD continued to highlight the problems we face in our City – and it’s only going to get worse.  As a community we can’t afford to let small business suffer.  It is, after all, small business that creates so many of our jobs and underpins business investment.

While I commend the State Government’s on-going commitment to ease local congestion by getting trucks off our local roads and the containers from Port Botany onto rail, I’ve got my concerns about the new ideas to allegedly improve port efficiency through financial rewards and penalties for on time truck arrivals at the port and the proposed new truck holding area. I am fearful we’ll start to see more trucks either propping or driving around our streets as they wait for their predetermined arrival time at the port.

I know the State is trying but when I hear the Minister for Transport on the radio saying that travelling times haven’t increased and our public transport system is getting better I must confess I get concerns about where we’re heading.  My concerns were heightened the other morning when I was down on Botany Road about 7.30am looking at some Council things.  To my amazement a large semi decided to do a U turn at the lights on the corner of Botany Road and Wentworth Avenue so he could change from going north to south.  After holding up the traffic (of which as we all know there’s quite a bit at that time of the morning) he then went about 100 metres or so southbound on Botany Road and then parked, blocking one lane completely – in a no standing zone.  This is not an isolated case as you can always see trucks parked where they shouldn’t. When I see the almost moron-like actions of a few – and the traffic impacts they create – my concern about the future increases.  Also, I find the total lack of consideration for others even more disappointing.

Communities and people care for each other – that’s always been the case in our City, at least.  But the growing incidence of a lack of concern or thought for others gives me as much cause for concern as does road congestion.  We need to get back to more caring communities, more consideration for others, a more humanised community.  We’ve still got a lot of that in the City of Botany Bay – much more than you find in other parts of Sydney.  But we, in our City, have to be careful we don’t lose what we’ve got.

May 23, 2010

Our Special Locals Photo Service

Just a reminder that everyone can have a look at all the photographs from the Seniors Garden Party, which are now at the front desk of my office in Eastgardens, just next to the Central Library. Call into the office and have a look through the proofs of all the shots and pick out which ones you’d like.

We’ll print them off for you so you’ve got a reminder of what was a great day. We’ve also got the photos from the “Trees for Mum” planting at Sir Joseph Banks Park. So, for those who were there and had their photo taken, call into the office, have a look and select the ones you want printed off … with my compliments.

Give my friend David Campbell space

David Campbell is a good friend.  Christine and I saw him socially a few weeks ago with his wife Edna.  They were visiting this City.

I was horrified and appalled last Thursday to see Channel 7 News sneaking around like our security services filming David in his own time, in a car that he was allowed to drive, visiting a place he was allowed to visit, and being pilloried for doing so.

The "fourth estate" have a vitally important function to guarantee our freedom and prevent oppressive conduct on behalf of the state.  As can be seen in Andrew West's column on the Sydney Morning Herald Website on Friday, the publishers do not do so with clean hands.  According to Crickey neither does the journalist.

It was famously said by someone many would regard as the Messiah; "He who is without sin may cast the first stone."

The moral judges of Channel 7 certainly casts stones to a great man who did not sin in my view, not like the record of the moral judges in Channel 7.

Manufactured scandal leaves another political career in tatters by Andrew West. May 21, 2010 
Sydney Morning Herald.

"David Campbell should not have resigned from the NSW cabinet for entirely personal behaviour, that was – as far as anyone can establish – neither illegal nor exploitative.

He had lost interest in, or focus on, his job as Minister for Transport, but his performance was no worse than that of the government as a whole. His second life as a gay man had no bearing on his public duties.

Of course, if Campbell had been a stellar minister – instead of an affable journeyman of politics – and if he were serving in a good government, he may have been able to survive with the perfectly reasonable argument that he had committed no offence, other than the private pain to his wife and family.

Once again, we have seen a political career end in a scandal that is manufactured by the media, based on a series of so-far thin justifications.

Campbell had never set himself up as a ''family values'' campaigner. A photograph of himself with his wife and sons is merely that – a family photograph – not a morals crusade.

But even more obnoxious than the faulty justification is the self-righteousness of journalists and TV executives who set themselves up as arbiters of public morals.

Politics and journalism are careers of remarkably similar character. They both attract some shallow individuals in it to make money and acquire fame. They also attract people who are, in some measure, committed to the public interest.

But the most common trait is that politics and journalism often create broken lives. The newsrooms and TV studios of this country are littered with failed marriages, alcoholism, drug abuse and, yes, people living double lives.

For journalists, of all people, to moralise over politicians’ personal lives is a repulsive conceit. In the case of Channel 7 news chief, Peter Meakin, who signed off on the story that revealed  Campbell’s gay life, it is problematic.

Unlike Campbell, who has committed no offence that we know about, Meakin recently faced jail after his third conviction for driving under the influence of alcohol. He had been found guilty of dangerous driving – having blown 0.1, double the legal limit – and of attempting to evade the police after they tried to pull him over. Meakin was originally sentenced to weekend detention but got off with 250 hours of community service.

His offence, of driving while boozed up in a way that could have endangered the lives of innocent people, far outstrips any personal lapse by Campbell.

There was no public benefit in outing Campbell as a gay man, just as there was no public benefit in revealing the extra-marital affair of his erstwhile cabinet colleague John Della Bosca. Both men may have betrayed their marriage vows but that remains a matter solely for their families and, if relevant, their God.

These stories are nothing more than prurience and, one day, it will rebound on the predators. One day, a politician with a long memory, good connections and nothing to lose will get up in parliament and detail all he or she knows about the ''complex'' lives of those who report them.

We may end up living in interesting times – and remember the Chinese meant that as a curse.

Andrew West is the Sydney Morning Herald’s transport reporter and a long time political observer."

May 20, 2010

Celebrate Law Week - 2 days to go

It’s not just because I’m a lawyer (and don’t hold that against me) but I’ve always ensured that we mark Law Week in our City.  We do it in order to highlight legal issues and avenues where our residents can get both information and assistance.

Law Week has still 2 days to run to Saturday, 22 May and we’ve decided to celebrate it a little differently.  The Central Library at Eastgardens will be running a legal quiz with a first prize of $100.

It makes a nice change from usual legal activities because, with the quiz, you stand a chance to win some money.  The Central Library has a series of questions which you can use our in-library legal resources to fine the answers.  Copies of the quiz are now available at the Central Library and you have top have your answers in by May 29.  So get to it, get the questions and find the answers and be in the running for the money.

May 17, 2010

New Citizens at Citizenship Ceremony this Month

Trees for Mums

When we got behind “Trees for Mum”, where Mother’s Day was celebrated by planting a tree we worked out how many people we thought would take part and got the trees ready for planting.

With our parks and garden staff on hand to assist, a supply of spades and other equipment on site at Sir Joseph Banks Park we planned out a new way to celebrate Mother’s Day and honour our mums, grans and nanas.  What we didn’t reckon on was a turn-up of around 100 people ready to plant a tree to recognise their own mum or gran.  

In the end we had to make a quick run to the Council nursery for more trees, which we had on hand.  So now, “Trees for Mums” is responsible for over 80 new trees down in Sir Joseph Banks Park – each one planted with love and honour.  “Trees for Mum” is a great idea and one with wide community support.  Given this year’s success, we’ll be back again next year.  Thanks to all those who took part.

May 16, 2010

Wentworth Avenue Cycleway underway

Work has begun on the new cycle/foot way along Wentworth Avenue, from Bay Street, Pagewood to Dransfield Avenue, Mascot.  

Residents will have noticed the large drainage pipes piled up near Pagewood and council workers digging and preparing for the new cycleway to be laid at the Dransfield Avenue. There may be some disruption during the day with a section of Wentworth Avenue closed off to allow the works to be carried out from time to time.

The new cycleway is jointly funded by Council and the Federal Government’s “Jobs Fund” scheme. The new cycle/footpath will improve safety for those keen to walk or ride from Mascot to Eastgardens and beyond.  Our thanks go to the Hon. Anthony Albanese, Minister for Infrastructure and Local Government for supporting the project and to the federal government for providing the funding.  By making the grant available, and with a contribution from Council’s own budget, we should soon have a real boost for local cyclists, walkers and road safety.

May 15, 2010

Botany Recording Studio

One of our most popular youth activities is the Botany recording studio. What began as an idea of mixing youth and music combined with the opportunity to give our local youth an outlet for creative talent has proved to be more successful than anyone ever envisaged.  The recording studio we set up at Botany Youth Centre has given young people access to a recording desk, mixer, microphones and guitars. It has also given them access to new skills, such as sound and recording engineering along with an outlet for their talent.  As far as our local young people are concerned, the studio is perhaps the most happening local place and one which Council supports. To book the studio you need to talk to our Youth Workers, which you can do by calling  Yasemin or Patrick on 9366 3889.

May 12, 2010

Youth Centres and Activities

After the successful celebrations for Youth Week last month, I thought I’d recap the range of activities Council organises for our local youth.  Overall Council’s youth activities include holiday programs, youth centres, workshops, recording studio, educational programs, young mother’s groups and youth week. Our three Youth Centres – at Hillsdale, Eastlakes and Botany – are the centrepieces of our facilities and we’ve seen increased attendances recently.  

Hillsdale Youth Centre, which is open on Thursday nights, is hosting around 60 young people each week while Eastlakes (open Tuesday nights) hosts around 45, the same as attend Botany Youth centre when it opens on Friday nights.  Each of the youth centres provides a range of activities, including computer games, pool, table tennis and a whole lot more. There is always a lot of other things happening and it’s worthwhile keeping in touch with our youth workers.  The best contact is Patrick on 9366-3889.

May 11, 2010

Loud Shirt Day - This Friday

This coming Friday – May 14 – we’ve got a special day in the Central Library at Eastgardens and it’s all for a good cause. We’re having Loud Shirt Day when we want everyone to throw off their normal clothes and get LOUD for the day.  

By loud I mean your craziest shirt, socks, scarves or any other loud fashion statement.  Everyone who gets into the swing of the day can make a donation, which will go to helping deaf children learn top listen and speak.  We’re proud to be participating in Loud Shirt Day and I’d like as many of our residents as possible to get behind one of the most worthwhile community causes.  

Our library staff will provide tea and coffee and will collect the donations. So I want to see as many LOUD people as possible wandering down the shelves of the Central Library this Friday and making a contribution to help deaf children – and remember the louder the better!

May 10, 2010

Seniors Garden Party ­ photos now available

Our Seniors Garden Party was, as usual, a great success with great company, great food and great entertainment.  I, and my fellow Councillors, really enjoyed the day, meeting a lot of friends and some of our most important residents – our seniors. There were so many people there that it was hard to get round and say g’day to them all – but I tried. On the day we took lots of photographs of just about everyone with everyone, in groups, in pairs and with friends.  If you call into my office at Eastgardens you can have a look through the proofs of all the shots and pick out which ones you’d like.  We’ll print them off for you so you’ve got a reminder of what was a great day.

Mayor Ron Hoenig saying "hello" and below with The Hon. Michael Daley MP joining in the fun.

May 9, 2010

NSW Youth Parliament ­ 2010

Council has received a letter from the Student Representative Teacher Advisor at J.J. Cahill Memorial High School seeking our continued support as sponsor of a student to attend the NSW Youth Parliament for 2010.
Mainly at behest of Councillor Slattery, Council has sponsored a student in past years and J.J. Cahill and Councillor Slattery have repeatedly advised that the experience was invaluable for both the student and the school.
The Youth Parliament is a highly prestigious leadership program for high school students in years 9 to 12.

The NSW Youth Parliament is an initiative of the YMCA and one strongly supported by elected Members of the NSW Parliament – and indeed by this Council.

The idea of encouraging civic awareness, pride and above all, active participation in the affairs of the community, which is what the Youth Parliament does, is an admirable concept, which this Council agrees with through our support. Only one student may represent each of the State electorates, and through Council’s support that one student will be one from J. J. Cahill. The students can examine just about every policy area for which the State Government is responsible.

The cost of sponsorship to Council is $580, which covers a Training Camp, regional meetings of delegates, a second Residential Camp and then presentation of "student Bills" to MPs and Ministers in Parliament House. The bills produced by the students are presented to both the Premier and the leader of the Opposition and, in the past some of the initiatives presented through the Youth Parliament have found their way into the laws of this State.

Local support for the student applications means that the possibility of a J.J. Cahill representative in the Youth Parliament is considerably increased. Well, the school does have our support – as it has in previous years – and Council will meet the cost of student participation.

May 7, 2010

Greeting our Seniors - Council's Garden Party - 2 May 2010

Don't forget Trees for Mum

This Sunday – as if we don’t need reminding – is Mother’s Day.  

It is a special day and Council hopes to make it a bit more special by getting involved with “Trees for Mum”.  I mentioned it in last week in my column in the Southern Courier and my website and I thought I’d give everyone another reminder.

“Trees for Mum” is an initiative of two women, Lauren Adlam and Deena Raphael, as a way of people honouring their mums by planting a tree.  Like any great idea, this one was simple and with wide community support. Through our involvement, Council has located “Trees for Mum” at Sir Joseph Banks Park – at the Tupia Street end.  Council staff will be there this Sunday between 9.00am and noon on May 9 to give those who want to be part of “Trees for Mum” a little help. There’ll be a range of native trees available to be planted and we’ll have some spades ready to make the planting a bit easier.  Everything is free of charge and we think it will make our City greener. To be part of “Trees for Mum”, just turn up at Sir Joseph Banks Park at the Tupia Street entrance from 9.00am next Sunday.

May 5, 2010

Shade cloths in Parks ­ Yes or No!

I’ve had a few calls recently from local residents – and in particular – asking why Council won’t make shade cloths part of our playgrounds.  They make a strong case for shade cloths, especially during the summer months.  

We’ve had shade cloths in some of our playgrounds in the past but they’ve never been able to survive vandalism.  We put them up, the kids and their parents and carers like the shade from the sun but then – and there’s always a “then” – vandals seem to take great delight in setting the shade cloths on fire.  It happens in our City and it happens in neighbouring council areas.  

We patrol the playgrounds, we know locals keep a watch on them as do the local police.  But in the early hours of the morning some imbecile thinks it’s a good idea to set the shade cloth on fire and watch it burn.  If we could stop vandalism – mindless damage of what are community assets – then we’d almost live in a perfect world.  But we can’t.  

I do feel for those who ask us to put up shade cloths but Council can’t expect our ratepayers – the men and women who live in our City – to keep footing the bill to replace burnt out shade cloths.  I hope everyone understands why we must make this decision, as unpopular as it is with some in our City.  Unfortunately, we must.

May 2, 2010

NSW Freight Advisory Council

have received a letter from the NSW Minister for Transport and Roads, the Hon David Campbell, inviting me to become a member of a Freight Advisory Council. According to the Minister there is an opportunity to identify initiatives and plans to tackle both the current and future freight challenges that face this State. Without the efficient movement of freight out local and State economies will be unable to both grow and prosper.
This Council has been at the forefront of [pushing the need to meet the State freight challenges – to get containers in and out of Port Botany with a focus on rail, to get local freight oriented industries viable and growing, to integrate air freight into our local environment and, most importantly, prevent container trucks from strangling our local streets and roads. Perhaps more than any other area of Sydney we see both the positives and the negatives of the freight industry. We’ve seen initiatives by companies such as P&O Trans Australia introducing a new rail freight service for containers, removing in one fell swoop some 646 trucks off our roads.
What P&O Trans Australia has done must be replicated by other freight and terminal operators so that the 40% movement of containers by rail – an undertaking integral to the approval of the third terminal at Port Botany can become a reality – and not just a myth. It’s interesting that the 40% commitment is one of the terms of reference for the Freight Advisory Council.
Before I get into the terms of reference of the Advisory Council there is one point I wish to make abundantly clear.  By my agreeing to join the Advisory Council, and given that the Minister and I both represent the same political party, let the State Government and the Minister be under no illusion that I will be a “yes man” to State Government transport policies. I and this Council have been perhaps the most strident critics of the State Government’s handling of the fall out from the new terminal at Port Botany, the lack of long term planning of how to handle the increase in containers passing through our area and the associated lack of inland container terminals. My criticism will not be muted.
My demands that freight be dealt with by co-operation and consultation between the three tiers of government remain and will be pushed through every avenue at my disposal. I note that the State Government is committed to developing its NSW Freight Strategy in the course of this year.  I also note that the Australian Government is developing a National Ports Strategy and Freight Network Plan. Developing plans is one thing.  Actually delivering on them is another. My involvement with the Freight Advisory Council will be focused on delivery – not just developing plans.
The Advisory Council will be made up of people with knowledge of or involved at senior levels of the freight industry as well as the Director General of the Department of Transport and Infrastructure.
Its role is to provide advice throughout the development of the NSW freight strategy and on a range of issues, including:
  • Challenges to be addressed in the short, medium and longer term including geographic, economic, social, environmental and financial
  • Key trends and developments, including those at a national and international level that will impact on options for the efficient movement of goods
  • Regulatory and/or policy impediments
  • Supply chain issues – port linked, rural/regional, metropolitan and intercapital
  • Existing and planned infrastructure projects and initiatives – likely impacts, ongoing gaps
  • Meeting the 40% rail freight target for Port Botany – actions needed in the short to medium term
  • Industry engagement

Some of this is not rocket science. It is common sense – something that is sometimes lacking in the development and delivery of government policy. What is needed as far as the 40% of the containers that pass through Port Botany to be loaded onto a rail services is the efficient and effective creation of distribution centres in western Sydney, the eventual destination of the majority of the containers. For that, as I told council and as I wrote last month, not only is there a need for the Yennora and Enfield terminals to be fully operational but also some resolution on the proposed Moorebank terminal.
And to achieve that, we need both the Federal and State governments to work together because, without them acting in concert, there will not be an optimal solution to a growing problem. These are just some of the issues that I will raise in the Freight Advisory Council. I am pleased to be part of this advisory body because, through it, I feel that I can advance issues that we in this City face each day and which must be resolved in a State-wide approach.
There are, I believe, real local benefits which our community can receive through my involvement in the Freight Advisory Council.

May 1, 2010

Swift Books ­ More Books!

The online services at our Central Library at Eastgardens have been extended to include the catalogues for council libraries in Ashfield, Marrickville, Kogarah and Strathfield.  

What this means is that if we don’t have a book you’re looking for, and the other libraries do, then we can get it for you.  All you need to do is log in to our online catalogue, search for the items you want and if we don’t have it and the others do then all you have to do is place a hold on it and we’ll have it sent to us for you to collect. This is a free service and is a way to extend our collection with another four library services.  

The service began yesterday and one of its additional features is that you can return library books to any of all the libraries – ours and the others four councils.  If you want a bit more information, call the Central Library on 9366 3888 and we’ll be happy to take you through all aspects of this new expanded service.  It’s all about a better library service.