May 28, 2010

Recognition of long serving employees

It has long been the policy of this Council to recognise the service of our long standing employees.
We’ve had receptions in the past where we presented long serving employees with a gold watch and a certificate of service.  It’s often thought that the gold watch is a sign of retirement.  
Well, in the City of Botany Bay we see it as recognition not only of long service but an on-going commitment to serve the people who make their homes within our Council boundaries.
Under our policies, we have two distinct ways of recognising long serving employees. For those with 20 years service, there is, as I’ve said, the gold watch and a certificate of service.
For those whose service goes beyond 20 years, we have a special award.
As it has been a few years since the last time we recognised these levels of service, there are a few people who have qualified. I might add, that in future, we will not have a long time between recognition ceremonies. There are 38 people who will be recognised for 20 years service and 10 who actually have 30 years service or more. Between all of them, they have racked up nearly 1500 years of service to the people of Botany Bay – a remarkable achievement.
As Mayor, I am extremely proud of the long term commitment our employees make and I would suggest that our City’s record of service – the number of employees with 20 years service or more – would be equalled rarely in local government.
What I propose is that this year, we hold a dinner in August where the long serving employees and their partners attend, and where proper recognition can be given. I also propose that rather than have some years between recognition events, we resolve to hold a dinner each year, after the August meeting of Council, where those employees who have reached 20 years service in the previous year are, along with their partners, honoured. Council has now agreed to my proposals.

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