Oct 5, 2011

Swimming Season

The warm weather of this week is a reminder that the swimming season is just about on us – and with it the reopening of the Botany Aquatic Centre.

Our Aquatic Centre will begin is learn to swim classes from Monday, October 11 from 3.00pm and the classes run for a ten week term until December 20.  The classes cater for all standards of swimming. There is also an intensive program during the school holidays.

The ten week, ten lesson term costs $140 per child, although discounts of $10 and $20 respectively are offered for a second and third child from the same family.

The Botany Aquatic centre is also the home for the Botany RSL Youth Amateur Swimming Club and its season gets underway on Saturday, October 8 at 7.00am.
The swimming club has been operating from Botany Aquatic Centre since the early 1960’s and provides an opportunity for children of all abilities to participate in swimming races. 

The club’s Saturday morning club races are handicapped and based on a point system that encourages children to swim against their personal best. 

Council supports the Botany RSL Youth Amateur Swimming Club, which is open for children from 4 years old to 25 years of age and there is a registration fee of $75 per swimmer. 

Children have the opportunity to swim all strokes, in 15, 25, 30 or 50 metres either socially or competitively. Relay and distance swims conclude the morning sessions.

The club also competes against six other RSL swimming clubs at Zone carnivals for a chance to swim at the State carnival, which this season will be held at Ulladulla.

Through the Aquatic Centre’s own activities, along with those from the Botany RSL Club, this summer season will provide both fun and exercise for swimmers and safer times in the water.

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