Getting money back is always good and for some time we’ve given a rebate of $25 per household to those who help keep our nature strips watered and mowed which makes our City streets look a whole lot better. I’d like to remind people that they have to apply each year for the rebate and you’ve got to have either a lawn nature strip or one that’s planted.
If your nature strip is concrete then, sorry, but you don’t get the rebate. Units, flats and town houses get one rebate and that goes to the strata secretary or body corporate. If you live on a corner block and have two nature strips then we allow two rebates provide both are well maintained.
You should have received a brochure outlining the scheme in your letter box (and I’ve already received quite a few applications) but if you didn’t call into my office on the ground flor at Eastgardens, next to the Central Library, and pick one up. You can also leave the completed form there as well. You must apply before July 6 for the rebate. Our Nature Strip Rebate is our way of saying thank you for ongoing support and your time and effort in making our community greener, neater and more attractive.
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