Aug 24, 2011

2011 Lionel Bowen Scholar Johanna Garvin

The presence in the Council Chamber last Wednesday of members of the family of former Deputy Prime Minister, The Hon. Lionel Bowen, meant only one thing – we had with us this year’s Lionel Bowen Scholar to both welcome and honour. As everyone is aware, the Lionel Bowen Scholarship was established by Council, with the support of local business and industry, to recognise the unique community contribution of Lionel Bowen.
Lionel is a true friend of our City and a man who has represented the community in the three tiers of government in Australia, rising to be Australia’s Deputy Prime Minister.  He is a worthy Australian indeed.
For 17 years, Council has been awarding the Lionel Bowen Scholarship to a student who lives within our City for assistance in the first years of his or her full time tertiary studies or special research.
Joining an illustrious list of local scholars as the 2011 Lionel Bowen Scholar is Johanna Garvin of Rosebery.
Johanna is an amazing young lady – and indeed a worthy recipient of this honour.
She has, despite many challenges, achieved a great deal. This year she has begun her tertiary studies in Communications and Media at the Notre Dame University, which she achieved via a submission, an interview and her past academic performance. Johanna plans to use her studies to develop her passion for social justice and human rights.
In her nomination for the scholarship, Johanna said how she aims to work in the not-for-profit sector in the area of social justice.
The degree she has chosen uniquely, according to Johanna, offers study in social justice and in its final year there is an internship in a social justice environment, such as the Human Rights Commission. Johanna, has chosen a degree and an ultimate career that will benefit your fellow citizens. Inn that she is following in the path of the man after whom the scholarship is named and who it honours.
Lionel Bowen, in every part of his illustrious career was about his fellow citizens, their way of life and their future.
Johanna has the same drive, the same ambition and the same outcome. Johanna, is a worthy recipient of this scholarship.
Johanna was accompanied by your mother, Maureen Hallahan, who must be very proud, and she has every right to be.
Johanna was presented with the scholarship by Lionel’s daughter Margaret Dwyer.

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