Mar 5, 2012

John Brandenburg Recognised

I would like to record an achievement by a person known to Council and who is currently engaged by us for special projects within our parks and recreation areas. I’m referring to John Brandenburg, a horticulturist for over four decades who has been honoured in the Parks and Leisure Australia annual awards.

John, an educator in horticulture, land management and parks and recreation management as well as a man who likes to be involved in actual work, was awarded the Frank Stewart award for his commitment to the parks and leisure industry in Australia and throughout the world. At the present time, John is working in our parks and gardens section looking after such diverse issues as our golf course, rabbits, flood lighting and development and upgrades of our own parks and gardens.

An interesting sidelight, John’s work in combating the current rabbit plague – a result of the humidity and rain-induced rapid green growth all across the City – is in contrast to one of his more recognised works, the release of koala bears into regional parklands. John’s work is recognised by many international organisations, including the International Federation of Park and Recreational Administration.

Apart from his work with our Council, John is an active volunteer with horticulture and environmental groups and is a regular judge for agricultural society shows, flower shows and garden competitions, particularly those of the Royal Horticultural Society of NSW. I want to congratulate John on his most recent honour and I sincerely hope he will maintain his association with us and our community.

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